Hi there! This blog post is just a brief explanation of the prosthetics module.
The module concentrates on further developing special effects skills learnt in previous modules last year. Research and experimentation will be used in the investigation and application of facial prosthetics, concentrating on mould making and analysing different materials. For more details see Figure 1.
This blog will be used to show the different processes learnt over the academic year - designing, life casting, correcting the core, fibreglassing, sculpting, making snap moulds, making flat moulds, running/colouring pieces, application of pieces - with lots of reflection, analysis and comparisons to industry. This continuous blog will be showing the full journey of how the design went from being just an idea, all the way through to the creation and application of prosthetic pieces and final images.
I look forward to sharing this journey with you and will see you all next time for the first blog of this module!
See you then!
Reference List:
O'Connor, A. (2021) Prosthetics Brief [Image]. York.